The Doctoral School Languages, Literatures and Human Sciences - ED LLSH

Ecole doctorale LLSH


Doctoral School Languages, Literatures and Human Sciences

The Doctoral School Languages, Literatures and Human Sciences - ED LLSH (ED n°50) is one of the thirteen doctoral schools of the Doctoral College of the Université Grenoble Alpes.

Within this College, she represents research in literature (French, French-speaking and foreign literature, comparative literature, ancient studies, rhetoric), languages (languages, literatures and foreign civilizations, language sciences, FLE), language sciences (linguistics, phonetics, spoken communication, dialectology), didactics (of French, languages, literature), communication, journalism, and the arts (film studies, creative research, theater).

The ED LLSH is a member of the RESCAM network, whose mission is to promote research in Arts and Media, and Grenoble Alpes University hosts the Maison de la Création et de l'Innovation (MaCI), an innovative structure that develops new research, teaching and cooperation practices in the arts, humanities and social sciences.