The LLSH doctoral school Supervisors accredited to direct research (HDR) / By laboratory

You will find the list of HDR (accredited to direct research) professors by laboratory below.

GIPSA-Lab - Grenoble Image speech signal automatic

  • CARPITELLI Elisabetta (dialectology; geolinguistics; phytonymy and dialectal zoonymy; historical phonetics; general phonology; lexical motivation)
  • VALLEE Nathalie (general phonetics and phonology; theoretical and experimental; linguistic typology of sound systems)

GRESEC - Research Group on Communication Issues

  • BALICCO Laurence (knowledge organization; information practices; information processing)
  • BORDEAUX Marie-Christine (cultural and scientific mediation; artistic and cultural education; audiences and actors of culture and scientific culture)
  • BULLICH Vincent (cultural and communication industries; intellectual property; digital platforms)
  • CLAVIER Viviane (specialized information; informational practices of professionals; knowledge organization; health)
  • FRANCONY Jean-Marc (uses and social practices of info-communication technologies; web and social networks; online activism)
  • LAFON Benoit (communication; media; mediatization; television; political communication)
  • MARTIN-JUCHAT Fabienne (practices of emotional and corporal communication relating to technologies; design and organizations)
  • RINGOOT Roselyne

ILCEA4 - Institute of Languages and Cultures of Europe, America, Africa, Asia, Australia

  • BERTHIER Susanne
  • BERTONECHE Caroline (19th century English literature; poetry; romanticism; painting; history of art; history of science; medical humanities)
  • CAYUELA Anne
  • CAPLAN Raul (contemporary literature of Hispanic America; 20th and 21st century; Cuba; Uruguay; the novel; theater; testimony; nomadic writing; non-fiction writing; literature; history and memory; political violence)
  • DELGADO LARIOS Almudena (contemporary history and international relations in the Hispanic world (1830-1936); diplomacy; representations (travelogues, press); intellectual and cultural relations; migrations - exiles; political and intellectual networks)
  • DESPRES Isabelle (contemporary Russian literature)
  • FRIES Marie-Hélène (Specialized English; scientific discourse; metaphors; language evaluation)
  • FOLEY Michael
  • KERFA Sonia (cinema and visual arts (history and aesthetics of films and forms); visual culture of feminist and LGBTQ+ struggles; co-creation and co-education practices (performance); gender and digital humanities (social media, influencers); Latin America; Spain)
  • KOSSOV Valery (civilization of contemporary Russia; analysis of political discourse; translatology)
  • LOBO CARBALLO Olga (Hispanic world; cultural studies and intermediality (1960-present); literature; narratology and hermeneutics; contemporary cinema; identity(ies); memory/history; arts (comics/literature/cinema) and commitment(s); creative practices; Chile-Spain)
  • MANNING Nicolas (American literature; literary theory; affect and emotion; links between literature/psychology/therapeutic culture)
  • MOLERO Valérie
  • MOLINARI Véronique (British civilization 20th century; feminist movement; women and politics)
  • ORSINI-SAILLET Catherine (contemporary Spanish literature (20th-21st centuries); memoir; interartiality)
  • REMON-RAILLARD Margarita (contemporary Latin American literature (20th-21st centuries; identities; out of the ordinary)
  • RIVIER ARNAUD Estelle (English-language theater; directing/scenography; process of adapting text to the stage and other art forms)
  • ROSSI Caroline (translation and cognition; uses and perceptions of machine translation)
  • SERVIAN Claudie (American civilization and culture)
  • VARGAS Elodie

LIDILEM - Laboratory of linguistics and didactics of foreign and native languages

  • ABOU HAIDAR Laura (didactics of spoken language in FLES (French as a foreign or second language); phonetics and prosody for didactic purposes; oral corpora of FLES learners (priority interest but not exclusive to the Arabic-speaking world))
  • BIGOT Violaine
  • BOCH Françoise (university literacies; didactics of writing; multimodal pedagogies)
  • BRISSAUD Catherine (spelling acquisition; writing didactics; evaluation of learning devices)
  • DEGACHE Christian (language didactics (Romance languages including FLE- French as a foreign language); approaches; plurilingual interactions and competences; intercomprehension; learning strategies; telecollaborative digital environments)
  • DIAB-DURANTON Salam (Arabic linguistics; lexicology; lexicography; dialectology; Marshreq popular literature)
  • DURROUX (VINCENT) Laurence (English syntax and semantics; language acquisition in the context of profound deafness; in English and French; English as a second language)
  • FRIER Cathy
  • GARDELLE Laure (English syntax and pragmatics; pronouns and reference; gender; number)
  • GUERNIER Marie-Cécile (French didactics; reading didactics; adult education)
  • HENDERSON Alice (oral didactics; teaching and learning English pronunciation; CLIL)
  • JACQUES Marie-Paule (corpus linguistics; textual linguistics; textual structuring; didactics of writing; scientific/academic text)
  • KRAIF Olivier (corpus linguistics; automatic language processing; lexicometry)
  • MASPERI Monica (didactics; didactics of oral expression (comprehension and production); didactics of Italian L2; didactics of Romance languages and intercomprehension; formative evaluation; multimodal pedagogies; L2 acquisition)
  • MILADI Lidia (contrastive linguistics; syntax and discourse; proverbs and advertising slogans)
  • MOISE Claudine (ethnographic sociolinguistics of discourse; verbal violence; hate speech; Canada)
  • MULLER Catherine (language didactics; professorial action; imagination)
  • NISSEN Elke (language didactics; mediated training devices; coaching and collective learning)
  • NOVAKOVA Iva (contrastive linguistics; corpus linguistics; syntax; semantics; discourse analysis; phraseology of the novel)
  • RINCK Fanny (academic and advanced literacies, writing didactics, discourse analysis, olfaction)
  • MME SORBA Julie (corpus linguistics, phraseology, semantics, diachrony, textual genres)
  • TUTIN Agnès (phraseology; semantics; corpus linguistics; written and oral scientific discourse)

LITT&ARTS - Arts and practices of text, image, screen and stage

  • BARRIERE Florian (Latin language and literature; transmission of ancient texts; editing of ancient texts; Latin poetry)
  • BASTIN Malika (Greek language and literature; Greek theater; reception of Antiquity; humanistic Greek; digital humanities)
  • BONAMY Robert (contemporary cinema; filmic practices (creation-research); history of avant-garde cinema; cinema and publishing; study films)
  • CATHIARD Marie Agnès
  • COGITORE Isabelle (Latin language and literature; historians; prose; Tacitus during the Renaissance)
  • COSTA Fabienne (film analysis; film aesthetics; history of film analysis; landscape and film; dance and film; gesture and film)
  • COSTA Véronique (18th century literature; reading sin and reception of novels; imaginary body)
  • COUREAU Didier (film aesthetics; modern and contemporary filmmakers; cinema and literature; poetry/other arts)
  • DEMANZE Laurent (contemporary French literature from 1980 to nowadays; literature and knowledge; non-fiction; writing about oneself)
  • DOUDET Estelle (literature and French language of the 14th, 15th and early 16th centuries; public communication and eloquence; topical writing; theater)
  • FERRETTI Giuliano
  • GAUDEZ Florent (socio-anthropology of art, culture and knowledge)
  • GLEIZES Delphine (19th century French literature; literature; visual arts; creation; literature and science)
  • JAKOB Michael
  • KRZYWKOWSKI Isabelle (general and comparative literature; modernity; avant-gardes; experimental literatures; literature and science/technology; digital literatures; imaginary landscapes; literature and everyday life)
  • LEBARBE Thomas (digital humanities; corpus linguistics; automatic language processing)
  • LERICHE Françoise (French literature late 19th century and 20th century; literature and arts; literature and philosophy; epistolary discourse; the text and its genesis; digital humanities; Proust)
  • MACE Stéphane (general stylistics; rhetoric; history of language; narrative literature; 16th-17th century poetry; preaching literature; literature and music)
  • MARIETTE Catherine (Romanticism; women's writing; Stendhal; George Sand)
  • MOUNIER Pascale (literature of the 16th century; literature and rhetoric; supports and diffusion of the book; theory of narration; language and style)
  • ROUKHOMOVSKY Bernard (French literature of ideas; moralists (17th-18th century); short forms)
  • ROUX Pascale (stylistics of literary text (19th-21st century) ; translation: study of literary text translated into French ; French poetry; francophony and heterolingualism ; translation and creation ; analysis of literary discourse; tool stylistics
  • RUMEAU Delphine
  • SAIGNES Anna (20th and 21st century comparative literature; dystopia; literary journalism; French-speaking areas; Slavic speakers; English and German speakers)
  • SCHILLER Gretchen (performing arts; choreography)
  • SOFIA Gabriele
  • VIBERT Bertrand
  • VIGNERON Fleur (medieval French literature and language; seasons and landscape; medieval knowledge in literature and treaties in Western Europe)
  • WILLIAMS Geoffrey

LUHCIE - University Laboratory of History, Culture, Italy and Europe

  • BERTRAND DE CAPITANI Patrizia (Italian literature of the Renaissance; theater and novel (Renaissance, Baroque, 18th century); cultural exchanges between France and Italy (translation))
  • CASALINO Leonardo (political, social and cultural history of contemporary Italy (20th-21st centuries))
  • GIACONE Alessandro
  • NEPPI Enzo (Italian literature and culture; 18th-19th centuries)
  • TERREAUX SCOTTO Cécile (literature and civilization of the Italian Renaissance; preaching; links between history and rhetoric; Savonarola; history of the family and education; history of children and women; political thought)
  • SANTALENA Elisa (political and social history of contemporary Italy; political violence, armed struggle and the prison question; the labour movement and operaism; the Italian long 1968; international and diplomatic relations (in particular, relations between Chile and Italy in the 1950s-1980s and Italy-US relations since the post-war period)
Published on  July 13, 2022
Updated on March 9, 2023